Discord py How to make the bot leave voice channel after the mp3 file is finished?

Discord py How to make the bot leave voice channel after the mp3 file is finished? This is what I have been using. While Voice is playing it sleeps for a small amount of time. Once whatever is playing is over, it disconnects.

Discord py How to make the bot leave voice channel after the mp3 file is finished?

@client.command(pass_context=True) async def ea(ctx): if ctx.author.voice: channel = ctx.message.author.voice.channel voice = await channel.connect() source = FFmpegPCMAudio("./mp3/ea.mp3") player = voice.play(source) else: await ctx.send("") 

1 Answer

while voice.is_playing(): await asyncio.sleep(.1) await voice.disconnect() 

This is what I have been using. While Voice is playing it sleeps for a small amount of time. Once whatever is playing is over, it disconnects.



