Exclusive Interview: Ess_Gee Chats About Debut Single 'Bubble Queen'

If you have yet to hear about the newest and upcoming star, Ess_Gee, get ready to add some new and unique sound to your latest playlists. The Scottish artist has released her debut single Bubble Queen and is impressing listeners with silky vocals and relatable lyrics. In an exclusive interview with CelebMix, Ess_Gee opened up

If you have yet to hear about the newest and upcoming star, Ess_Gee, get ready to add some new and unique sound to your latest playlists. The Scottish artist has released her debut single ‘Bubble Queen’ and is impressing listeners with silky vocals and relatable lyrics. In an exclusive interview with CelebMix, Ess_Gee opened up about her debut single, inspiration and more.

How did you first get started with music? 

High school talent shows – they were the only things that mattered in life at the time!  Adult life is tough… More importantly, at school I found a pamphlet lying around in the school canteen for Music Plus, which is a mentoring scheme run by the Scottish Music Centre, which is where I met producer and musician, Joe McAlinden. He told me to try songwriting and here we are today!

What can you tell me about your debut single ‘Bubble Queen’ and the inspiration behind it? 

‘Bubble Queen’ is a song about the power of friendship, love and loss. The song was written at a time where a lot of my friends where affected by the tragic loss of a close friend. Everybody was struggling to come to terms with what had happened, but together we looked out for one another and that’s when I realized how lucky I am to know some of the people that I do. Friends are family, in my opinion. I feel like I have lots of families now, not just my blood related ones – leaving home at the age of 17 god knows where I’d be without them now!


If you could describe ‘Bubble Queen’ in a quick phrase or only three words, what would it be? 


What artists and musicians inspire you? 

My music taste is varied; there’s a soundtrack for every year you live, I reckon. The first gig I ever went to was in 2013 in Glasgow to see Swim Deep, Wolf Alice was one of the support bands and I was just mesmerised by Ellie Rowsell playing a guitar at the time. After every gig I go to I am like, ‘I want to have that much fun playing on stage one day.’ I don’t think anyone will disagree when I say that the Drive soundtrack is an absolute banger. I better mention Pure Bathing Culture too… fire a drum machine on there and I’m all in. 

What types of messages do you want to spread through your music?

Think about how many lives you get to live in one and make the most of all of them. Live the dreams inside your head. Be honest/empathetic. Fall in love again and again. Say no sometimes and don’t let people undermine you. 

Do you have any dream collaborations? 

Young Fathers. Imagine… I’d also love to have one of the singles to soundtrack a series or a film at some point – any takers? 


Do you have any live shows planned? If you could go on tour with anyone this summer, who would it be and why?

I’d love to play a show this year for sure. I think the first stage is just getting the music out there for people to hear first, but I cannot wait to perform these live with a full band. 

If I could go on tour with anyone this summer it would be Desire just so I can hear them perform each night – those synths, drum machines and melancholic tear jerkers – three of the tastiest ingredients I can think of. 

What can fans look forward to in the near or distant future?

I’ve got a few tracks ready to go now, the response to ‘Bubble Queen’ has been beautiful so I’m looking forward to sharing the others now, too. Music videos are coming, [so] hold tight!

Thank you, Ess_Gee, for speaking with CelebMix.

Listen to ‘Bubble Queen’ here.

What do you love most about Ess_Gee’s debut single? Tweet us using @CelebMix and let us know!

