How to fix, possible reasons, and more

Both PlayStation 5 as well as PlayStation 4 users may run into a fair number of bugs and performance issues on their consoles every now and then. While most of these problems are easily resolved, there are a few that are incredibly annoying as there's no permanent solution available.

Both PlayStation 5 as well as PlayStation 4 users may run into a fair number of bugs and performance issues on their consoles every now and then. While most of these problems are easily resolved, there are a few that are incredibly annoying as there's no permanent solution available.

One of the errors that users usually face on this console is the “NAT Type Failed” code, which usually occurs when you have a NAT Type 3 connection on the console.

This generally occurs when your router is unable to forward ports to the PlayStation 5, either because the router you're using is too old or if the network that you're employing is quite restrictive in its service.

Having a NAT Type 3 can hamper the online gaming experience as it won't allow you to log into certain servers or queue up with friends in certain games, potentially leading to the “NAT Type Failed” error.

Today’s guide will specifically go over some of the ways that you can use to fix the “NAT Type Failed” error on your PlayStation 5.

Fixing the “NAT Type Failed” error on the PlayStation 5

There are not too many things that you can do when it comes to solving this error on your PlayStation 5 console. Presently, there are two workarounds you can try:

1) Changing your internet’s NAT Type

One of the most straightforward fixes will be to directly change your internet’s NAT type and set it to something like NAT Type 2, which comes highly recommended by severa PlayStation 5 owners.

You can do this by directly contacting your internet service provider, and you might have to change your internet router as well in the process.

NAT Type 2 offers the best online gaming experience while at the same time providing your connection with some much-needed security. While it’s not as restrictive as NAT Type 3, it’s also not as open as NAT Type 1.

2) Enabling UPnP

This is more of a router fix, where you must enable the UPnP (Universal Plug and Play) feature. This is one of the most important features for a stable multiplayer experience on the PlayStation 5 as when playing a particular game with this feature enabled, your router should be able to automatically manage which ports are to be used.

This will help you skip the process of having to manually port forward your router every time. To achieve this, you will be required to note down the IP address of your service and then go to the address by using either your PC or your mobile device.

Here, you will have the option to enable UPnP, following which you must restart your router for the settings to be updated.

After the router resets, you will need to identify it from the PlayStation 5 network settings. If the problem is on your router's end, even if you have a NAT Type 1 or 2 connection, using this method is more than likely to fix the issue.

If your router does not support the UPnP feature, then you might want to switch to a model that does.

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