Inside Trumpworld Hero Ali Alexanders Teen Sexting Scandal

For a party that likes to accuse Democrats and the LGTQ community of corrupting children, the rights house is far from clean. Thats essentially what The New Abnormal politics podcast co-host Danielle Moodie thought when interviewing Will Sommer, Daily Beast reporter and host of the Fever Dreams podcast, for this episode of the show.

For a party that likes to accuse Democrats and the LGTQ community of corrupting children, the right’s house is far from clean.

That’s essentially what The New Abnormal politics podcast co-host Danielle Moodie thought when interviewing Will Sommer, Daily Beast reporter and host of the Fever Dreams podcast, for this episode of the show.

Will has been reporting on accusations that MAGA hero Ali Alexander sexted teenagers and joined this bonus episode of The New Abnormal to unpack all of the allegations against Alexander, how a guy like him became so prominent in the alt-right movement, despite these claims of pedophilia, and how they came to light in the first place.

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“This is not some random guy who was just tweeting with a MAGA hashtag,” Will tells Danielle Moodie. “Donald Trump wanted him to speak at the January 6 rally… Jack Dorsey, the former head of Twitter, would consult him on how to handle conservatives on the app. I mean, he was a guy who had a lot of connections. Obviously, he worked for the Kanye West fake presidential campaign for a while and that’s ultimately what sort of led to his downfall.”

Will is referring to Alexander being called out as a creep by one of his former allies, right-wing counterpart Milo Yiannopoulos, who was reportedly pushed out of the Kanye West campaign by Alexander, but came back with videos to try to show that the “Stop the Steal” organizer knowingly sexted teenagers.

(Ali Alexander had since apologized “for any inappropriate messages sent over the years.”)

A perplexed Danielle then asks Will what value Alexander, a bisexual person of color, could have possibly brought to the right to make them essentially turn a blind eye to the allegations, white nationalist Nick Fuentes included.

Sommer has a few theories. He also tells Danielle what he makes of Alexander’s response.

Also on this episode, Danielle and co-host Andy Levy listen to clips of Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) badly ripping off a Winston Churchill quote to tear down woke-ism. Plus, their reactions to a mind-numbing (but hilarious) clip of Marjorie Taylor Greene finally being put in her place by one of her fellow Republicans.

Listen to this full episode of The New Abnormal on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon and Stitcher.

