Kick streamers Suspendas and Slightly Homeless allegedly arrested in Nepal, content creators could p

On May 19, 2023, clips featuring contentious Kick streamers Avrom "Suspendas" and River "Slightly Homeless" went viral on Reddit. The videos suggested that the duo, along with a stream sniper, had been arrested in Nepal.

On May 19, 2023, clips featuring contentious Kick streamers Avrom "Suspendas" and River "Slightly Homeless" went viral on Reddit. The videos suggested that the duo, along with a stream sniper, had been arrested in Nepal.

Redditor u/MembaCS claimed to have gotten an update about the situation from Kick streamer Paul "Ice Poseidon's" livestream. During the broadcast, it was stated that Suspendas and Slightly Homeless are supposedly facing a minimum of 60 days in jail, up to a maximum of 10 years.

As for the reason, Slightly Homeless allegedly asked an underage girl in Nepal to marry him:

Kick streamer TheRealMoisesB says Slightly Homeless is being "deported," while Suspendas will be spending 60 days in jail

Kick streamer TheRealMoisesB, also known as Moises, appeared on Ice Poseidon's latest livestream. He claimed that Slightly Homeless began crying in prison and requested his parents for help. This resulted in him getting supposedly deported from Nepal. Meanwhile, Suspendas and the stream sniper will reportedly be detained for 60 days:

"Bro! There was a person, literally like, 20 minutes ago, went over there and started f**king livestreaming while Sus(pendas), (Slightly) Homeless, and that other guy was there. And they said Homeless was crying. He's saying like, 'Call my mom!' And I think he got enough pool, like, with his parents and they deported him. "And that, Sus is staying in jail with that other dude, for like, 60 days. I don't know if it's true. The dude was locked for, like, 15 minutes."

Ice Poseidon and TheRealMoisesB started laughing, with the former double-checking whether he had heard the facts correctly:

"All right, hold on. Sus is in jail for 60 days? Homeless is getting deported? Why doesn't Sus get deported, though?"

Moises responded, saying:

"Bro, you know what the crazy thing is? They're like, 'Oh, Sus,' because he has a fiance, they're like, 'Call your fiance.' And then Sus is like, 'It's a little different. I can call her. She can't call me.' Or something like that. It's so bad! It's so f**king bad!"

Reddit community reacts to the Kick streamers reportedly getting imprisoned in Nepal

As mentioned earlier, the reported arrest of Suspendas and Slight Homeless in Nepal was a hot topic of discussion on Reddit.

Redditor u/fight4afreeinternet shared a couple of YouTube clips that showcased the Kick streamers' antics during their IRL broadcast:

According to u/PlasticEarlobes, Ice Poseidon seemingly said that the duo was arrested for "something other than the clips":

Some of the more relevant comments were along these lines:

At the time of writing, neither Suspendas nor Slightly Homeless had issued a statement regarding their reported detention in Nepal.

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