The Meaning Behind The Song: Boris the Spider by The Who

As a music enthusiast, some songs have made a lasting impact on me. One such song is Boris the Spider by The Who. I remember stumbling upon this track at a friends house, and from the first listen, I was captivated by its unique sound and intriguing lyrics. In this article, I will delve into


As a music enthusiast, some songs have made a lasting impact on me. One such song is “Boris the Spider” by The Who. I remember stumbling upon this track at a friend’s house, and from the first listen, I was captivated by its unique sound and intriguing lyrics. In this article, I will delve into the meaning behind “Boris the Spider” and explore the elements that make this song such a standout in The Who’s discography.

Table of Contents

The Lyrics

The lyrics of “Boris the Spider” portray a simple yet eerie story. The song opens with the narrator spotting a spider crawling up the wall. The spider is described as black, hairy, and very small. It then proceeds to hang above the narrator’s head, suspended by a little thread. The chorus repeatedly chants “Boris the spider,” giving the arachnid a distinct identity.

In the second verse, the spider drops onto the floor and makes its way towards the bedroom door. The narrator ponders whether the spider is as scared as they are, but they lose sight of it. The chorus resurfaces once again, reiterating the spider’s presence.

The bridge of the song consists of the repeated phrase “creepy, crawly” which further enhances the eerie atmosphere already created by the lyrics. The spider is depicted as something spine-chilling, constantly crawling and instilling a sense of unease.

As the song progresses, the spider is discovered wrapped in a ball, seemingly motionless. The narrator wonders if it is dead and decides to check by picking up a book from the floor. The chorus once again asserts itself, emphasizing the spider’s symbolic importance.

Finally, in the last verse, the spider meets its demise and comes to a “sticky end.” The lyrics suggest that the spider will never move again and is now embedded in the ground. The chorus serves as a closing statement, leaving the listener with the repeated name of the spider, Boris.

The Symbolism

While “Boris the Spider” may appear straightforward on the surface, the song holds a deeper meaning when analyzed. The spider, Boris, can be seen as a representation of fear or a hidden menace lurking in one’s life. The lyrics create a sense of trepidation and fascination with the spider’s movements.

Throughout the song, the spider is depicted as creepy and crawly, highlighting its unsettling presence. Boris serves as a metaphor, reminding us that there are things in life that make us uncomfortable or anxious.

The chorus, with its repetitious chanting of the spider’s name, further reinforces the notion that fears often persist and remain in our minds. Just as the spider continues to crawl, our fears can linger and haunt us.


“Boris the Spider” by The Who is a song that captures attention with its distinctive sound and intriguing lyrics. This track delves into the unsettling nature of a spider’s presence, painting it as a symbol for fear and discomfort. The repetitive chorus and bridge contribute to the song’s haunting atmosphere, making it an unforgettable addition to The Who’s catalog.

Personally, I find this song to be both fascinating and somewhat unsettling. It reminds me of the innate fears and anxieties that we all possess. The lyrics and the band’s performance come together to create a truly eerie experience. If you haven’t listened to “Boris the Spider” yet, I highly recommend giving it a try, and remember to keep an eye out for any lurking Boris’s of your own.

