Top 7 Stars Who Inspired Us with their Weight Loss Journeys in 2017

Weight loss these words are like music to all those people who wish to shed the extra weight and have tried everything from a juice cleanse to hitting the gym hard or even going off food. If you are also hoping to put weight loss on the list of New Years resolutions, then here

Weight loss – these words are like music to all those people who wish to shed the extra weight and have tried everything from a juice cleanse to hitting the gym hard or even going off food. If you are also hoping to put weight loss on the list of New Year’s resolutions, then here are top 7 celebrity stories that might impress and motivate you. Read them all and start your fitness journey from 1st January 2018!

Craig Robinson’s Simple Weight Loss Approach

The Ghosted (2017-Present) actor taught us that weight loss could be achieved by being consistent, making better food choices, exercising and getting rid of a bad addiction.

Craig Robinson at 2013 WonderCon (Gage Skidmore / Flickr / CC BY-SA 2.0)

He lost about 50 pounds in a few months, largely due to his resolution to exercise regularly, to follow a vegan diet and give up on an unhealthy addiction – alcohol. What motivated him was a desire to avoid health issues which were almost facing him as his weight was more than 350 pounds at a time.

Raymond Gutierrez’s Dedicated Weight Loss Approach

We are sure you know at least one person who makes fun of his or her own obesity. Raymond Gutierrez is one such person. He used to feel negative about his weight and made a lot of jokes on himself, but it was just a defense mechanism.

A friend noticed it and challenged him to lose weight. Thanks to a well-crafted workout (which included working out multiple times a day) and a well-crafted diet plan, he lost a lot of weight and achieved a drool-worthy body. From not being able to do a pushup to pumping a 90 kg barbell, his weight loss story tells us that anything is possible if you are dedicated.

Holly Willoughby’s Workout-Oriented Weight Loss Approach

Holly Willoughby is one of those celebrities who never open up about how they remain fit, and her reason for doing so is admirable, she doesn’t want youngsters to suffer from eating disorders just to look like her.

Holly Willoughby seems to be liking the smell of the food (Ingy The Wingy / Flickr / CC BY-ND 2.0)

She recently lost a lot of pregnancy weight and got back in shape by opting for postnatal mat work classes that focused on toning and strengthening her core such as curl-ups. She trained only once a week and got a trim stomach again. Her best advice for fans is to be as active as you can!

Jessica Wright’s Fitness Program Based Weight Loss Approach

When you are a celebrity, what people think of you matters a lot. The same is true in case of Jessica Wright who was trolled mercilessly in 2016 due to some unflattering pictures in which she had some visibly extra pounds.

This incident motivated her to try a home workout program called Fi7ness which worked wonders for her. As a part of this program, she did 30-minute workouts that included 7 exercises and 7 minutes of effort in cardio sections. All these used 7 primal movements like push, pull, run/walk, squat, twist, lunge and bend. Be cautious while trying any new home workout program as it’s not guaranteed that what worked for her would work for you as well.

Jo Frost’s “I Won’t Give Up” Weight Loss Approach

How many times has it happened to you that you started a fitness journey, overindulged once and got back to the old unhealthy ways? Many times, right? The same has happened with Supernanny Jo Frost as she embarked upon a weight loss journey. She overhauled her diet and ate healthy foods like fresh fruits and vegetables to lose weight but, like most of us, slipped off the weight loss wagon by overindulging at times.

Her solution – She forgot about the overindulgence and kept going on the path of fitness. Her “never say die” attitude helped her look slimmer than before and look good in the clothes she wears.

Wendy Williams’ Breakfast Oriented Weight Loss Approach

Most of us are guilty of skipping breakfast every once in a while, and there are a few who don’t even have breakfast for a week or so. This was the case with Wendy Williams as she was too busy to have a proper breakfast. She also didn’t have a diet plan and ate whatever she wanted. The result, weight gain! She decided to change her lifestyle and have a healthy breakfast every morning, no matter how busy she is.

Wendy Williams giving performance in June 2005 (Timothy M. Moore / Flickr / CC BY-SA 3.0)

She also followed the pescatarian diet to control her cravings and now, even seeks healthy food options when she visits a restaurant. What we can learn from her story – never skip breakfast and seek foods that are equally healthy and tasty!

Tom Kerridge “Eat What Suits You” Weight Loss Approach

As a celebrity chef who is surrounded by food, the habit of eating what you like becomes hard to break. But celebrity chef Tom Kerridge has succeeded in losing 12 stone in just 3 years by resisting unhealthy foods, designing his diet plan and staying committed to eating.

He was always the bulky one, even as a boy and didn’t care much about what he ate until he was close to being 40. It was then he realized, he needed to lose weight to avoid health issues. He lost the unwanted weight by following a low carb-high protein diet and eating foods that release the happiness hormone Dopamine. His weight loss approach will work for you if you also know what foods suit your body and what diet helps you to be the healthiest! So, hone your research skills from today!

