Wendy Williams Has Apparently Angered Kevin Hunter By Doing This

Wendy Williams is marching on with her divorce from her cheating husband, Kevin Hunter, but it is not all that rosy. A source recently spoke to Hollywood Life and said it is a tough time for the talk show host because she is under a lot of stress.

Wendy Williams is marching on with her divorce from her cheating husband, Kevin Hunter, but it is not all that rosy.

A source recently spoke to Hollywood Life and said it is a tough time for the talk show host because she is under a lot of stress.

The insider said there is a lot of tension as she works with her lawyers to iron out the details.

The person said: “Wendy’s legal team was working on her divorce and doing their best to try to get things finalized last week but ultimately did not. Her divorce has stressed Wendy out, and it’s taking a toll on her mood, for sure. She’s been very, very stressed on days she’s dealing with it.”

The family friend added: “You can tell the difference between when she’s dealing with it day to day and not as she can go from great spirits and loving life to struggling at the drop of a hat. She’s so excited to get this all behind her and start the next chapter of her life.”

Meanwhile, it is being claimed that Hunter is angry that his soon-to-be ex-wife is continually talking about their failed marriage.

A source close to Hunter revealed: “Kevin’s furious, he claims that Wendy promised him that their divorce would not become a hot topic on her show. No one has sympathy for him though, what did he expect, she’s a public person and a very outspoken person. And this is probably just the beginning, she’s finally woken up to the truth, and she’s mad as hell. Kevin is anxious about what Wendy will say next about him on her show, to the point where he wants to try and block her from speaking about him. She didn’t use his name, though, so what can he do? He made this bed, and now he has to lie in it.”

The person stated: “There are a lot of women with no respect for marriage. Do you know what I’m saying? A lot of women who know your man is married and will have the nerve to be right up under him and right up under your nose.”


Some are wondering if the process will go on for a while or if Williams will give in to Hunter’s demands.

