What happened to Jennifer Grider and Mary Orlando? Pennsylvania double murder case revisited on ID

In the latest episode of Investigation Discovery's Evil Lives Here, the shocking double murder of two university girls, Jennifer Grider and Mary Orlando, will be explored in explicit detail. This true-crime episode is titled The Lookout and will premiere exclusively on the platform on May 15, 2022.

In the latest episode of Investigation Discovery's Evil Lives Here, the shocking double murder of two university girls, Jennifer Grider and Mary Orlando, will be explored in explicit detail. This true-crime episode is titled The Lookout and will premiere exclusively on the platform on May 15, 2022.

The official synopsis for the latest Evil Lives Here episode reads as:

"The murders of two teen girls at a remote and scenic lookout point seem random until police uncover a web of secrets among their network of friends."

Who were Jennifer Grider and Mary Orlando, and how were they killed?

Teenagers Jennifer and Mary had known one another since childhood and even lived close to each other on Bethlehem's south side. While Jennifer was a senior at Bethlehem Catholic High School, Mary was a student at Freedom High School, where she had recently completed her tenth year.

Neighbors and loved ones described the girls as outstanding scholars and kindhearted people. They were reportedly termed as the best of friends who were frequently seen together and never hesitated to provide a helping hand to those in need. Furthermore, the girls were adored by their families, who still miss them and have not yet come to terms with their tragic demises.

The Lehigh University Lookout was alerted to a possible homicide on June 29, 1995, when four young females noticed a red vehicle and two unconscious corpses. When police arrived at the crime scene, they discovered a girl wearing a red Camaro, which they later discovered to have belonged to Jennifer's mother. Jennifer lay on the grass a few feet away from her friend, who was found unresponsive inside the vehicle.

After an initial medical check, Mary and Jennifer were pronounced dead, and an autopsy revealed that each victim had been shot multiple times in the back, resulting in their murders. A large amount of blood was also splattered on a neighboring wall, and additional examinations revealed that both were present there for quite some time.

After many days, anonymous tips led detectives to Christopher Bissey, who lived in the same area as Jennifer and Mary, and was almost the same age as them. In December 1995, after months of inquiry, two adolescents, James Lewis and Nicholas Stroble, who claimed to be Bissey's friends, approached authorities and claimed to have information regarding the murder.

Christopher was known to them and they were in the car with him on the day he murdered Jennifer and Mary. The boys not only accused Christopher of the crime, but also claimed that they saw him pull the trigger. Investigators wasted little time in detaining and prosecuting Christopher after receiving a strong witness statement and he has been serving prison time in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania since then.

Christopher Bissey gave no justifications for killing both the girls in court (Image via Investigation Discovery)

Don't forget to catch the latest episode of Evil Lives Here on Investigation Discovery this Sunday, May 15, 2022.

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