Why Park Dae Sung refused pictures with ring girls

One of South Korea's most renowned mixed martial artists, Park Dae Sung, refused to pose with the ring girl following his win at Road FC 36 because of sexual harassment accusations from a year back. Park Dae Sung has a near-perfect Road FC record. Between May 2013 and July 2017, 'Crazy Dog' competed in seven

One of South Korea's most renowned mixed martial artists, Park Dae Sung, refused to pose with the ring girl following his win at Road FC 36 because of sexual harassment accusations from a year back.

Park Dae Sung has a near-perfect Road FC record. Between May 2013 and July 2017, 'Crazy Dog' competed in seven events for the South Korean promotion and secured victory in all but one of the fights.

In December 2016, Park Dae Sung took part in Road FC Young Guns 31 and secured a split decision win over Kyung Pyo Kim. Posing for the media following his victory, Park Dae Sung was seen putting his hands on the waist of the ring girl who stood with him, and forcefully pulling her closer to him. He did the same thing twice and the ring girl looked visibly uncomfortable both times.

After being called out for his controversial actions, Park Dae Sung refused to even stand beside the ring girl after his next victory.

In February 2017, Park Dae Sung won yet another split decision in his next outing, which took place at Road FC 36 against Rodrigo Caporal at Jangchung Gymnasium in Seoul, South Korea.

This time around, Park Dae Sung displayed a complete turnaround in his actions, as he was captured not only refusing to stand beside the ring girl, but actually running away from her. At one point, he was even heard screaming, "Don't come" to the lady.

The officials had to convince him to pose for the photo. In the end, he obliged, but he wisely kept his hands to himself this time.

Where does Park Dae Sung fight now?

After a prolific career in Road FC, Park Dae Sung was signed by ONE Championship. He debuted in the Singapore-based promotion on March 31, 2018 against Kimihiro Eto. Dae Sung scored an impressive TKO in his first ONE Championship outing, stopping his opponent in the second minute of the first round.

He next faced Trestle Tan in July 2018. After three rounds, Dae Sung picked up a unanimous decision win for the fight.

In a rematch with Kimihiro Eto for his next fight, Park Dae Sung once again secured a TKO win, this time in the second round of the bout. With two more wins under his belt, Park Dae Sung is currently on a five-fight victory streak in ONE Championship.

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